Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy (hereinafter the "Privacy Policy") is integrated with the Terms and Conditions available on the Site (the Website and the App) and will apply to Users/Students, whether or not they are duly registered. The definitions used in the Terms and Conditions will remain applicable in this Privacy Policy.

EGG SAS, CUIT 30-71602937-5, with address at Barcala 643, Mendoza, Argentina (hereinafter, "EGG"), may modify the Privacy Policy at any time. New versions of the Privacy Policy will be notified prior to their entry into force by: (i) publication of said new version on the App, and/or (ii) by message addressed to the email reported by the User.

The User agrees to be notified of any modifications to the Privacy Policy once EGG has published them on the Site, and that the User's continuation in the use of the Services/Site once said new version is published will be considered as acceptance of said modifications to the Privacy Policy. Consequently, the User agrees to: (i) check the Site periodically; and (ii) read any email message sent by EGG with any modification or new version.


When the User registers through the official EGG website (hereinafter the "Website") or through the EGG mobile application (hereinafter, the "Application" or the "App"), they will be asked to provide EGG with certain information for identification and customer knowledge purposes, including, but not limited to, name and surname, DNI, date of birth, nationality, gender, CUIL or CUIT, profile photo, real address, mobile phone number, a valid email address, among other personal data. This Privacy Policy also applies to all personal information that EGG collects in any other way, such as when the user interacts with us by means other than the EGG Website or Application, for example, in person, by phone or by email, and also through our business partners (hereinafter, "Business Partners"). EGG may also collect directly or indirectly information about friends and followers in the EGG community, information provided by the User when participating in the various EGG projects and communities/groups.

EGG will not sell, rent, or negotiate User personal information with other companies. EGG may share, transfer, and assign the data collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy to group companies, business partners, and third parties, only if necessary to fulfill the purposes that motivated their collection or to comply with legal obligations. These third parties may be located in the Argentine Republic or abroad, even in countries that do not ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data. In all cases, EGG will take the measures it deems necessary to protect personal data in accordance with applicable regulations. The User acknowledges and agrees that EGG may disclose to third parties, anonymously, certain sets of data provided by the User for the use of the Services.

EGG reserves the right to request proof and/or additional information to verify the information provided by a User in terms of personal data, as well as to temporarily or permanently suspend those Users whose data could not be confirmed. EGG may request certain information and/or documentation from the User for identification, customer knowledge, and monitoring purposes, which may vary depending on the User's activity. EGG may periodically request the User to update said information and/or documentation. EGG reserves the right to reject a registration request or to cancel or temporarily or permanently suspend an Account in case of detecting (i) inconsistencies or discrepancies in the information provided by a User, or unusual or suspicious activities of the User in terms of AML/CTF or fraud; or (ii) if the User does not provide or update the information and/or documentation required by EGG in a timely manner, without such decision generating indemnity or compensation rights for the User.

EGG does not store complete credit and/or debit card data, but it does store the collection identification number provided by the payment provider in order to process collections and manage the purchase of products or services.


Users who use EGG Services guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, validity, and authenticity of the information provided and commit to keeping it duly updated, informing EGG of any changes through updating the corresponding information in their User Account or by contacting [email protected]. All information and Personal Data entered by the User have the character of an affidavit.


The Data provided by the User and collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy will be used for the following purposes:

  • (i) User identification and registration management;
  • (ii) Ability to provide access to the Service;
  • (iii) Being able to have a phone number or email address to contact the User for the use of the Services;
  • (iv) Sending promotional information about EGG services, for marketing purposes.

(i) User identification and registration management. When a User registers on the Site, it is necessary to process the data in order to identify them as a User and allow them access to the Service provided by EGG. The User may always request that their account be deleted by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]

(ii) Ability to provide access to the Service. The data is processed for this purpose mainly to offer the User certain services provided by EGG through the Site, allowing EGG to contact the User regarding updates or informational communications related to the features, products, or services contracted.

(iii) Being able to have a phone number or email address to contact the User for the use of the Services. EGG only processes the necessary data to resolve any queries or requests from the User. If the User chooses to communicate with EGG via WhatsApp, their phone number will be shared with WhatsApp Inc. to verify that they are a user of this service. We recommend that the User read WhatsApp Inc.'s Privacy Policy to obtain more information on how WhatsApp processes personal data.

(iv) Sending promotional information about EGG services, for marketing purposes. The processing of this data is for advertising purposes. EGG may make recommendations based on the User's interaction through the Site and profile analysis (for example, based on browsing history and searches performed). The User, by subscribing to the Newsletter, agrees that EGG processes their personal data to manage the subscription, including sending personalized information about services and products. If the User wishes, they may request to be removed from the lists for sending promotional or advertising information by sending an email to the following address [email protected] or through the instructions provided in each communication.

EGG may display advertising on the Internet that the User or customer may see while browsing websites and apps, which may be related to browsing history and preferences.

EGG processes some User data to form specific profiles, categorizing similar preferences and behaviors to formulate the offer to the recipients. EGG uses cookies or similar technology to process this data. More information on this aspect can be found in the Cookies section.

EGG may carry out promotional actions such as contests or sweepstakes and will make available to the User the terms and conditions of the action where the information related to the processing of personal data is detailed.

The User should bear in mind that when entering their personal data on the Site, unless otherwise indicated, they are giving their consent for the entered data to be used for:

  • a. the provision of the services offered on the Site;
  • b. receiving information and assistance about services, programs, products, and offers that EGG believes may interest them by email, postal mail, text message, phone, or any other means of communication;
  • c. attending and processing any request for information, complaint, question, report, comment, etc. that the User makes through the channels enabled for such purposes on the Site;
  • d. statistical, research, and creation and improvement of commercial processes and services purposes, including improving and personalizing the Site, data analysis, developing new products, improving the Site, identifying usage trends, audits, determining the effectiveness of dissemination campaigns;
  • e. providing useful information and updates on the services and content of the Site;
  • f. communicating and contacting the User;
  • g. sharing the necessary personal data with external service providers that provide services to EGG, such as website hosting, data analysis, information technology services, customer service, email delivery services, auditing, training, and other similar services.

Additionally, the information provided by the User and collected directly by EGG on behalf of said User may be used by EGG for data exchange between Users of the same client and other Users to provide the Services more effectively.

EGG may share information with other service companies or websites dedicated to evaluating the behavior of Internet Users or similar to improve the quality of EGG services. Generally, these companies or websites have their own data privacy policies for their protection. Nevertheless, EGG will make its best efforts to ensure that the privacy of shared information is protected in the best possible way. However, with the exception of the Argentine Republic, EGG will not be responsible for the damages caused by such companies and/or websites regarding their duty of protection, confidentiality, and privacy of the data they handle.

EGG will use and collect User Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and will not disclose it unless requested by courts or national or international state agencies that so require and request it in the proper form. EGG will retain User data for as long as the User remains registered. Once the data is no longer necessary to fulfill the corresponding purpose, EGG will retain it for a reasonable period in case liabilities related to its processing arise.

The Site may contain links to websites that are not owned by EGG. Consequently, EGG will not be responsible for the actions of such websites, to which this Privacy Policy will not apply. We recommend reviewing the detailed privacy policy on those websites to understand the information collection procedures they use and how they protect personal data.

EGG B2B Services. Some EGG Services are designed for use by our Business Partners, including our commercial clients (hereinafter, "EGG B2B Services"). In such cases, it is possible that authorized personnel of our Business Partners may access the personal information you provide and is processed through these EGG B2B Services, applying the privacy policies and terms of use of the Business Partner. EGG is not responsible for the privacy and data security policies and practices of our Business Partners, which may not match this Privacy Policy. If you are using our Services through a Business Partner, please contact them for any privacy-related issues. In case of conflict between this Policy and an agreement between EGG and the Business Partner of an EGG B2B Service, the agreement between EGG and the Business Partner will prevail.


EGG has adopted reasonable security measures to protect User information and prevent unauthorized access to their data or any unauthorized modification, disclosure, or destruction of it. The information collected by EGG will be kept strictly confidential. Access to personal data is restricted to those employees, contractors, and representatives of EGG who need to know such data to perform their functions and develop or improve our services. EGG requires its providers to maintain the same confidentiality standards. EGG does not allow access to this information to third parties outside EGG, except for an express request from the User to access their own data.

The security of User data is important to EGG. The software used to protect the data provided by Users and the information collected by EGG is stored in the cloud of Amazon Web Services, Inc (the user can consult their Privacy Policy at the following link), which use secure protocols to encrypt communications and passwords.

Some of EGG's service providers are located in territories outside the European Economic Area that do not provide a level of data protection comparable to that of the European Union. EGG transfers data with appropriate guarantees and maintaining their security, using tools such as Standard Contractual Clauses and in compliance with Argentine data protection legislation.

EGG will make its best efforts to maintain the confidentiality and security described in this section, but will not be liable for damages that may result from the violation of such measures by third parties who use public networks or the Internet to access such information or in cases where there has been fault or negligence on the part of the User. That is why we ask for your help. If you notice that your account is compromised or that unauthorized access to your account has occurred or been attempted, please notify us immediately via email at [email protected]


EGG will not sell, rent, or share User Data except in those cases expressly provided for in the Privacy Policy. Notwithstanding this, the User expressly consents to EGG transferring all or part of the User's data to any of its controlled, controlling, and/or related companies with EGG. If all or part of the business or assets are sold or transferred to another company or another business activity is carried out as a result of a corporate restructuring, the data could be disclosed to the potential business recipient.


When the User accesses the Site, EGG may store information on the technological device through which the User accesses the Site in the form of a Cookie or similar technology that can be useful in several ways. For example, Cookies allow storing and managing user preferences, keeping them registered, sending advertising adapted to the User, enabling content, and collecting analytical and usage data to understand how the Site is used and improve the User experience. The use of Cookies and other tracking technologies is standardized on all websites and applications through which information is collected about your online activity through applications, websites, or other services. A Cookie is a small text file that is placed on a computer or other device and is used to identify the user or device and to collect information. These Cookies do not harm your electronic device and can be deleted from the device's memory, blocked, or receive an alert message before they are stored, allowing you to accept or reject them.

The Cookies we use are essential and help the user navigate and move around the Site. These Cookies are necessary to recognize the User on the Site and obtain information linked to their preferences, which could be, for example, language and country, to improve the experience on the Site. EGG could use this information so that the User sees advertising, promotions, banners, and commercial initiatives on the Site and on third-party sites.

EGG's cookie policy is available on the website:


The User will have the right to make responsible use of their EGG Account. At any time, the User may request the deactivation of the EGG Account and the deletion of their account and information from EGG's database, as well as access and update their personal data. For those Users residing in Argentina, the holder of personal data has the right to exercise the right of access to them free of charge at intervals of not less than six months, unless a legitimate interest is proven in accordance with the provisions of article 14, subsection 3 of Law No. 25.326 of the Argentine Republic. The Agency for Access to Public Information (AAIP), the control body of Law 25.326, has the authority to address complaints and claims filed regarding the non-compliance with data protection regulations.

To this end, the User must send their Request by sending an email with the subject "Access to Personal Data" to [email protected]. EGG may require said User to identify themselves, which may be verified by EGG, as well as to specify the personal data they wish to access, rectify, or remove.


If the User has any questions about the Privacy Policy, or about its application, they should contact EGG, at any time, via email at [email protected], EGG SAS, CUIT 30-71602937-5, with address at Barcala 643, Ciudad de Mendoza, Province of Mendoza, Argentine Republic.


In case of any conflict arising from this privacy policy, all provisions regarding jurisdiction and legislation of the Terms and Conditions will apply


The development team is aware of the third-party services used in the software development process. In accordance with all laws and regulations, this team carefully selects only those services that provide the services they claim and nothing more.